Easter has arrived at Carefound Home Care in Harrogate

Friday, 12th April 2019

The Carefound Home Care team in Harrogate have delivered over 100 Easter gifts to older people and their carers in Yorkshire

Local care provider, Carefound Home Care, regularly celebrates important times of the year with both their clients and their professional carers and Easter is no exception. The Harrogate team have spent the last week delivering treats across the local area.

Carol Sherwood, Community & HR Manager at Carefound Home Care in Harrogate, said:

“We have had a wonderful few days ensuring our clients and our fantastic carers receive their Easter treats. It is always great to have the time to celebrate together and further build relationships which is such an important part of our service.”

“We wish all our clients, carers and families a very Happy Easter for 2019.”