How Hourly Care Works
How Hourly Care Works
Our hourly home care service is specially designed for elderly people so you can rest assured that our team is able to offer genuine expertise in promoting our clients’ health and well-being and helping them to maintain the highest quality of life achievable.
Learn More About Your Care Options
The first step in choosing to use Carefound Home Care to support you or a loved one at home is to help you learn about and consider your options so as you are as informed as possible in making decisions regarding care. You may wish to consider whether care at home or a residential care home would be best, whether you require specialist support for a condition such as dementia or even how you will pay for long-term care. We are here to help you make sense of the options available and are always contactable to talk through your circumstances.
We will also provide you with further information about ourselves to help you evaluate us as a home care provider and ensure that our specialist services meet your needs. This information can also be used to introduce home care to a loved one.
Assessment of Care Needs in Your Home
At your convenience, we can then visit you in your home (or care setting if in hospital or a care home) to answer any questions you may have and undertake an assessment of care needs. To ensure that any care you receive is bespoke to you and your family we will seek to understand all aspects of the support to be provided such as daily routines, likes / dislikes, medication, mobility, personal care, mental health – where appropriate and agreed by you, we generally like to involve important family members, GPs or other health and social care professionals in ensuring that your needs are fully understood. We are also able to arrange and incorporate specialist input from our local partners including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, admiral nurses and chiropodists.
Create Your Tailored Care Plan
We then create a personalised care plan for you which summarises the information gathered in the assessment of care needs and identifies the individual support you will receive. This is of course reviewed and agreed by you and your family.
Carer Matching and Introductions
Following this, we begin the vital process of matching the most suitable home carer(s) to you, which takes account of considerations such as personalities, interests and skills. Before care begins your home carer(s) will always be introduced to you and our local office team is also contactable to answer questions or provide ongoing advice and support.