Your home, you care, your way

At Carefound Home Care we completely understand that the idea of accepting a professional carer into your or your loved one’s home can be a huge consideration. As such, we place great importance on informing you of the features of our home care service and involving you and / or your loved one in all stages of it. There are many health and social benefits to remaining in the comfort of your own home, avoiding the upheaval and stress of moving into an institutional living environment.

Personalised care tailored to you

Home care is a truly one-to-one care option which not only enables a care package to be individually tailored to the client but also provides an environment in which more effective relationships can be formed with the carer.

Retain control over daily routines

In remaining in your own home you are able to continue with your own daily routines – something that is key to retaining dignity and control. This may include what to eat, drink and do during the day; when to socialise; when to pursue hobbies; when to wake up or go to bed.

Enjoy the comforts of home

The things with which we are familiar and treasure are relevant to our happiness and well-being. Remaining in the comfort of your own home with support on-hand ensures this is achievable for elderly people.

Friends and family able to visit anytime

Moving into an institutional residential care home can often result in it being more challenging to spend time with friends, family and loved ones. In one’s own home this can continue as normal and is in fact a key part of home care.

Couples able to remain together

Maintaining loving relationships is part of life and home care for couples enables people to remain in each other’s company for longer. There are also cost benefits since if a couple was to move into a residential care home they would have to pay for two beds.

Remain with pets and other loves

Continuing to live in one’s own home means that pets and other loves can be with you, unlike in a care home.

Retain independence and well-being

A key part of continuing to live in your own home and community is remaining as mentally and physically independent as possible. This can clearly provide significant health and social benefits.

Flexible, affordable alternative

Home care is a fully flexible care service and if often less costly than full-time residential care. It can also be adjusted and tailored according to your wishes and changing needs.

Contact us about your home care needs

Contact our friendly team to talk about your home care needs.